I trust something will appear in this space. Probably not regularly, more likely when the mood strikes, when I have something to say, when I'm peeved, when I'm in inspired. I hope that is often.
So, to kick it off...

I was there with a group of people I go to Mazama with every January. I guess I don't really go with them - it's more like I meet them there. The members of the group vary a bit from year to year, but it's always a good group of people. I only see most of them on this annual trip, but it's always good to see them again.
Weather was decent - gray on Saturday, a bit of sun on Sunday, and blue skies on Monday (the day we left for home). Temperatures were in the 20's. A little snow still on the trees in most places. Trails were well-groomed with excellent snow, and not many people on them.
Kind of perfect.